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随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,高校工会新媒体建设势在必行。上海高校工会新媒体建设在全国处于领先地位,但仍存在诸多不足。通过对105篇高校工会互联网建设相关文献和上海市66所高校工会官方网站以及微信公众号研究发现,高校工会互联网建设的相关研究主要兴起于2015年,以思辨研究为主,其中互联网环境下高校工会工作方式创新是当下最热门的研究主题;上海66所高校中有56.06%的工会建立了工会网站,但只有28.79%的工会创建了微信公众号,且主要集中在本科院校;高校工会网站基本达到"形"的完善,但普遍存在"质"不高的共性,在微信公众号运营上,近60%的高校工会只限于新闻发布和活动公告。因此,高校工会应该树立工会工作互联网思维,优化工会工作网上平台和提升工会队伍信息化能力建设。  相似文献   
李晏  李鑫 《山东工会论坛》2020,26(1):67-71,77
劳务派遣作为一种灵活的用工形式,受到我国各类用人单位的青睐和广泛运用。2013年《劳动合同法》修订弥补了我国劳务派遣制度上的不足,但由于起步时间较晚,加上制度的复杂性,存在工伤赔偿制度的责任划分不清晰、工伤保险待遇先行支付具体操作存在困难、异地劳务派遣工伤保险制度执行不明确等方面的问题。我国需要从确立《劳动合同法》中派遣单位与用工单位的具体责任分担制度、完善劳务派遣工伤待遇先行支付规定、明确异地保险制度相关规定等方面入手,进一步完善工伤保险制度在劳务派遣用工中的适用,有效保护被派遣劳动者的合法权益。  相似文献   
在我国,由于劳动法和公司法内容的冲突以及公司高级管理人员在现有劳动法语境下身份的特殊性,导致了不同法院对于劳动合同违法解除后劳动合同继续履行与否的判决并不一致。高级管理人员并不完全具有劳动法上劳动者人格和经济上的从属性,因而其不应该获得完全的与普通劳动者相同的倾斜保护。而且,高级管理人员被解聘后,因为岗位的重要性,公司往往会迅速找人代替;由于岗位数量稀缺性和要求的专业性,高级管理人员要求恢复原岗位的要求在实践中难以满足。因此,法院在适用《劳动合同法》第48条时,不应支持被解除职务的高管的复职请求,而应采用其他救济方式。  相似文献   
石一婷  马尚林 《民族学刊》2020,11(5):19-25, 131-132
目前,在凉山彝区,外出务工是劳动力转移的主要方式,许多家庭通过外出务工脱贫致富。在当地无力承担和消化剩余劳动力的情况下,外出务工的现象将长期存在,正确认识彝区劳动力转移的合理性非常必要。为此笔者对四川凉山的冕宁、盐源等地彝区外出务工人员较多的村寨通过田野调查方式,了解当地劳动力转移的历史和现状,掌握存在的问题并分析其原因,提出解决思路和具体措施。应该建立劳动力转移的社会支持系统,继续不懈地积极推进劳动力转移工作。继续加大各级职业技术教育,增强劳动力转移的市场竞争力。加强法制教育,促进用人机构和彝族群众增强法制意识,依法促进彝族务工者的城市融入。进一步强化乡镇劳务开发工作体系建设,加强跨区域合作,倡导有序输出,规范对劳务经纪人的管理,强化劳务培训质量,提高彝族务工人员素质,保护彝族务工人员的合法益。  相似文献   
丁丽 《北方论丛》2015,(6):98-102
中国的劳动立法开始于20世纪20年代的北洋政府时期。这一时期,迫于工人运动的压力,政府相继出台了工厂法、矿山交通劳动法、工会组织法、劳工福利法等方面的法规。这些劳动立法,从理论和制度层面上来讲是一大进步。然而,北洋政府制定劳动法规的根本目的是为了抑制工人反抗,调和劳资矛盾,维护统治秩序,并未想从根本上改变劳工的劳动和生活状况及其社会地位。因此,北洋政府时期劳动立法的实施成效欠佳,其制度的建设意义远大于对工人保障的实际意义。  相似文献   
Objectives: Riegel (2011) argued there is a moral panic surrounding the issue of male transgenerational eros in the West. In response, he offered a variety of contrasting perspectives, one being that such eros has an evolutionary basis. The present article offers commentary. Methods: I supplement his hypothesis with a review of seven related evolutionary hypotheses and then compare/contrast all eight. Results: All these hypotheses constitute a work in progress, which Riegel adds to by properly restricting evidence (e.g., cross-cultural) to male homoerotic type (i.e., transgenerational). Conclusions: Riegel contributes to addressing the moral panic, and his evidence-type matching, which is part of a new trend in this area, promises to improve validity.  相似文献   
Using mixed methods, we explored the role of coercive controlling behaviors in a high-risk sample of 126 men in violent same-sex relationships. Contrary to a prediction that separate factors of physical violence and coercive control might emerge, a simple principle components analysis supported that male same-sex relationship intimate partner violence (IPV) is essentially unidimensional. Qualitative narratives supported a single latent factor solution of violence, and that coercive controlling behaviors better detect IPV dynamics within the same violent encounters (i.e., weapon use), even when compared to profiles defined by physical violence. Narratives also highlighted gender-different tactics of coercion used, underscoring importance of context-based assessments.  相似文献   

This article identifies trends in the adoption and implementation of quotas for corporate boards, an underresearched topic in political science. Corporate quotas—like legislative quotas—constitute the “fast track” to gender equality but appear more commonly in advanced democracies. These corporate quotas fall into three categories: laws covering all companies; laws covering state-owned companies only; and nonbinding (voluntary) measures in corporate governance codes. Despite on-paper differences, these corporate quotas are largely toothless. First generation corporate quotas, like first generation legislative quotas, operate symbolically. By raising the specter of stringent legislation in the long run, corporate quotas induce firms into voluntary compliance in the short run.  相似文献   
The primary purpose of the current study was to investigate the influence of division of household labor, child care arrangements, wife’s financial contribution, work-schedule of wife, perception of wife employment and wife’s work preference were contributing to marital adjustment of husbands of working married women. Additionally, it explored the role of wife’s financial contribution, perception of wife’s employment and wife’s work preference in formation of marital adjustment among husbands of working women. The data were collected through a self-structured questionnaire from 283 husbands of employed married women with one year of marital duration and at least one child. The data were collected from the city of Gujrat, province of Punjab, Pakistan. Factor analysis was run for reliability and validity analysis was executed to examine the validity of the existing scales used in the current study. Multiple linear regression analysis was used for model fit. Division of household labor, child care arrangements, wife’s financial contributions, wife’s work-schedule, the perception of wife’s employment, and wife’s work preferences contributed to the marital adjustment of husbands of working married women. Our results seemed to reflect fluctuating dimensions of gender role ideologies among families. Incorporating new predictors of marital adjustment into literature of marriage and family has been a sociological significance of the current study.  相似文献   
The enduring COVID-19 pandemic has gradually transformed our everyday lives. This study focuses on changes in work and family arrangements, with particular focus on changes in domestic help, and examines its impact on the division of domestic labor. Using a social survey of work and the family conducted in November 2020 and May 2021, the results show that from January 2020 (pre-pandemic) to May 2021, approximately 40% of respondents experienced a reduced gender gap for housework and childcare, while a large gender gap is still observed in the absolute frequency of undertaking domestic labor. Some lifestyle changes triggered by the pandemic, such as an increase in the use of takeaways or delivery meals, and the expansion of working from home, are found to be able to contribute a shift toward more equal sharing of domestic labor. However, the fact that the access to such lifestyle changes is more common among those with a relatively high income or high educational background suggests that the lifestyle changes imposed by the pandemic may exacerbate class disparities in the gender gap in domestic labor. Furthermore, the results show that decreased kinship support results in a greater childcare burden being placed on women.  相似文献   
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